UK gov't covers up rape of hundreds of girls

TEHRAN- She was a fifteen-year-old English girl whose life had been turned into a living hell by a group of criminals. Her home was being attacked, her family members were being physically assaulted and kidnapped, and on top of all she had been repeatedly raped at the hands of a grooming gang.
In a sane world the police and justice system would have come to her help and punished those responsible for her and her family’s suffering, but that is not what happened. The British police had a higher priority than saving girls like her from rape. their main priority at the time was preserving the state's ideals of “diversity” and “inclusion”, so when they learned that the men responsible for her situation were foreign immigrants, her case was quickly swept under the rug, and her suffering was allowed to continue. This was a fate she shared with hundreds of other young British girls, some as young as 11, in the city of Rotherham, a community of about a hundred thousand people.
For many years these defenseless girls were made victims of the city’s vicious grooming gangs, and were subjected to rape, prostitution, and drug trafficking. But the way the British law enforcement dealt with these grooming gangs was just as appalling, for it is now known that for many years the police deliberately allowed the activities of these gangs to continue purely for ideological concerns.
For decades the British regime had preached the ideology of liberalism, which included ideas such as diversity being a strength, denying the importance of nationhood, and claiming that falling birth rates could be easily remedied by immigration. The main reason for the police's inaction was the fact that most members of these gangs were of immigrant background, and if they were to confront these foreign grooming gangs, the state’s ideology and slogans would come into question. If the British people were to become aware that foreigners were responsible for such a large-scale rape of their children, they would begin to doubt the regime's messages on “diversity.” Thus, the police decided that the grooming gangs had to be covered up.
In 2000, British citizen Adele Weir started investigating the grooming gangs, uncovering the truth about many of their activities. She then proceeded to present the collected information to the local police, yet instead of punishing the criminals, it was Weir who was punished. She was told that she was never to mention the Asian men (members of the gangs) again, and was forced to undergo a two-day re-education session on “ethnicity and diversity.”
In the following years many other locals tried to persuade the police to go after the grooming gangs, but all were similarly sidelined. Knowing that the police would not follow the cases of rape, some citizens tried to have the grooming gang members prosecuted because of their drug trafficking, but again to no avail. It wouldn't be until 2010 when the first of these rapists was convicted by the British justice system, but by then the lives of hundreds of innocent English girls had already been destroyed.
In the years that followed, the British people gradually became aware of the Rotherham grooming gangs and the police’s inaction towards them. But despite this, the callousness of the British government towards the rape of its citizens by foreigners seems to continue. Last year, an Iranian man who had raped a British woman managed to escape deportation on the grounds of preserving his “human rights” as the court claimed that since rape carries the death penalty in Iran, and executing rapists is bad according to the British state, then he should be allowed to remain in Britain. Another worrying development came a few weeks ago when a British court declared if sex offenders were to receive physical punishment for their acts in their home countries, then they would be allowed to stay in the UK, essentially turning sexual assault of British women into a residency ticket.
And ironically, while the British government continues to protect those who rape its own citizens, it is also busy making up stories of sexual assault in other countries. Yesterday the British state media BBC released a half an hour documentary accusing Iranian security officers of sexually assaulting and killing a sixteen-year-old girl, based on a “leaked document” from “an anonymous source”. The problem is that a review of this “leaked document” shows the most basic errors which prove it is an amateur forgery. For example, the document lacks the mandatory official stamping and date markers, and also calls the Iranian law enforcement "NAJA" when its actual name is "FARAJA". The claims made in this document also contradict statements previously made by the girl's mother to Iranian opposition media. For example, the BBC's report claims that she was arrested at around 5 pm, while her mother has asserted that her daughter was at large at 11:30 pm.
And while the British state spends money and resources covering fake stories of sexual assault in other countries, the real stories of many English girls, like the girls of Rotherham, remain largely suppressed.
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